QLS Awards

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be nominated for an award?

Only peer nominations are accepted and self-nominations are not accepted. Each award has a guiding set of criteria that outlines who is eligible and not eligible to be nominated for an award. We strongly recommend reviewing the award criteria before starting your nomination.

How long does it take to complete a nomination?

Award nominations are only accepted via our online platform. It will take you approximately 60 minutes to complete one award nomination.

What information do I need to provide when I make a nomination?

Each nomination must be accompanied by:

  • a high resolution headshot
  • a short biography approximately one paragraph
  • Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • one letter from a referee (excluding First Nation's Solicitor and First Nation's Student of the Year where two referees are required including one referee from the community).
Where do I lodge my nomination?

All nominations are lodged via the QLS online platform.

QLS online platform

How much does it cost?

Queensland Law Society (QLS) takes great pride in its award program. The awards were established to celebrate the good work of the profession, and how it is impacting not only the legal sector but Queensland communities more broadly. 

The awards program is a unique opportunity only open to QLS members. There is no cost to submit a nomination.  

Do I need to be a Queensland Law Society member to be nominated for an award?

Yes. All nominees must hold a QLS membership.

Do I need to hold a practising certificate to be nominated for an award?

Each award has a guiding set of criteria. The criteria specifies who is eligible to be nominated for an award. In most cases, a nominee will need to hold a practising certificate. We encourage nominators to review award criteria before completing a nomination.

How are candidates shortlisted?

Queensland Law Society (QLS) undertakes a rigorous and independent judging process for each award category. Each completed award nomination first enters a 'health check', which is undertaken by specific QLS staff. The health check determines if the nomination meets fundamental eligibility criteria like QLS membership. Once the health check is complete, the nomination moves into judging. During the judging process, an independent panel of judges review and score each nomination against the award criteria. Candidates are shortlisted once the judging process concludes.

Who judges the awards?

Each award has its own independent judging panel. The judging panels comprise experienced and highly-regarded members of the legal profession. Judges are experts in their category areas and bring a wealth of knowledge to the judging process. Each judge is invited to participate in the awards program by QLS CEO.