Future leaders of the profession
Queensland Law Society (QLS) understands that the first few years of practice can be among the most challenging in a lawyer’s career. It’s base camp and the path to the summit can seem daunting!
That is why QLS has a suite of products curated for Early Career Lawyers (ECLs)—practitioners with 0-5 years post admission experience (PAE). Whether it is through social networking events to connect you with like-minded professionals, or bespoke professional development courses, QLS is here to support you.
Member benefits for Early Career Lawyers
QLS provides a range of member benefits specific to the stage of your career
- Discounted pricing for early career lawyers on selected events.
- Blended learning options include a wide variety of on-demand content.
- Emerge—your personalised newsletter with content relevant to your practice.
- Exclusive events for early career lawyers including the Young Professionals Networking evening.
- Business development and networking opportunities through feature pieces on Proctor Online including ‘In Conversation With…’ and ‘Behind the Beverage’.
- Opportunities to attend as a guest to any of the policy committee meetings.
- Recognition of outstanding achievement through the Emerging Leader Award.

Get involved
QLS recognises the diversity of its members and appreciates that life in law extends beyond the firm. That’s why we have several committees, working groups and networks to support you.
Opportunities for ECLs
QLS Future Leaders Committee
A group of your peers (0-5 years PAE or under 36) who have chosen to take a proactive role in changing the shape of the future. Find out more
Other opportunities include:
- QLS Diverse Abilities Network
- Wellbeing working group
- Equity and Diversity committee
- Several policy committees

Events & education programs
QLS has a tailored suite of events for lawyers in their formative years of practice.
From networking to professional development, we aim to equip entrants into the legal profession with the right tools and contacts to flourish.
Some key events that QLS runs annually include:
- Young Professionals Networking Evening—usually held twice a year where we partner with different organizations across various industries to help build your ‘black book’ of contacts and potential clientele leads.
- QLS Young Lawyers’ Ball—an annual event, the ECL’s nights of nights aims to provide a fun night out to celebrate the profession as well as networking opportunities.
- Complimentary Wellbeing and Cultural & Diversity events such as Mental Health Breakfasts and Workplace harassment in the legal profession seminar.
- Discounted professional development programs to boost your knowledge and strengthen your practice.
Future Leaders Committee
All candidates have been appointed by Council as an ordinary member of the Future Leaders Committee. At the first QLS Future Leaders Committee meeting in 2021, three office bearers (a President, Deputy President and Vice President) will be appointed by the Future Leaders Committee members.
Meet the members