
Practising Certificate Renewal

Applications for renewal of practising certificates are made under section 50 of the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Act). All legal practitioners in Queensland, apart from those employed as government legal officers, are required to hold a current practising certificate (section 24 of the Act).

If you have enquiries, please contact our Records & Member Services Team on 1300 367 757 or email at

Practitioners can renew their QLS membership at the same time as renewing their practising certificate. Find out more about the Benefits of a QLS membership.

The 2024-25 practising certificate renewal period is now closed.

How do I renew?

From 1 May 2024 to 31 May 2024:

  • Visit myQLS
  • Log in with your username and password
  • Go to the Notification/Tasks section of the myQLS home page and find the Renew your QLS practising certificate notification.
  • Click Renew now to start your application.

Instructions on how to complete your renewal is available in the Renewals Guide for Individual PC Holders. More information about Renewals can also be found in the Practitioner Renewal FAQs.

Important information for Organisations (from 1 May)

Complete Stage two - payment of the payment summary

In Stage two, organisations will need to:

  • confirm the employees and subscription fees the organisation will pay for
  • these fees will be included in a bulk payment, prior to making the payment by 31 May 2024.
  • the total amount paid reflects the selection you have made in Stage one.

Only practitioners who have completed their renewals will be listed in the submitted practitioner fee section. It is recommended that you do not finalise your payment summary until all practitioners have renewed. 

Please note, no changes can be made to individual subscriptions previously selected to be paid for, as the practitioner has submitted their application. You can, however, de-select the practitioner and make no payment for that practitioner (for example, if they have left the practice).

When you are ready to make payment, you can finalise your payment summary. You will be given options for payment by either credit card or other methods.

A payment summary PDF will be available on the myQLS home page under Recent Documents. 

Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) invoice (only if applicable)

Your PII Levy invoice and PII calculation sheet can be found on the myQLS home page under Recent Documents

The PII levy invoice will not be emailed to you and payment is required by 31 May 2024. 

Professional Standards (Limitation of Liability) Scheme

QLS operates a Professional Standards Scheme (Scheme) under the Professional Standards Act 2004 (Act). The scheme operates to limit your liability for damages for acts or omissions in relation to legal services. You must be a full member of QLS to be eligible to participate in the Scheme.   

Read more about the Scheme.

Membership of the scheme operates on an individual basis. If you, or practitioners at your law practice, do not wish to participate in the scheme, you must opt out individually during the practising certificate and membership renewal process.

If you are a full member of QLS and you do not opt out, you will automatically become part of the scheme and the relevant administration fee will be applied to your practising certificate invoice.

ILP membership (only if applicable)

Organisations wishing to apply or renew their ILP membership should do so by 31 May 2024.

Top up insurance (only if applicable)

If your organisation has applied for top up insurance, it must be paid by 31 May 2024.

Step by step instructions for completing each step of the payment summary are also available in the Renewals Guide for Organisations or in the Renewal Instructions of your organisation myQLS profile page. More information about Renewals can also be found in the Organisation Renewal FAQs.

Payment summary information for organisations

The payment summary is completed in two stages. Please note a payment summary only needs to be completed if you intend to pay for any subscriptions on behalf of your practitioners.

Stage One – Subscription selection due 30 April 2024

  • In stage one you can select the subscriptions your practice intends to pay for – including practising certificates, membership fees, other fees and accreditations
  • These selections will be noted in your employee’s renewal form

Stage Two – Payment from 1 May 2024

  • Once all your employees have renewed their practising certificates, your organisation must confirm the employees, subscriptions and practice fees which will be included in a bulk payment. Payment can be made by either credit card or by another method.
  • Any subscriptions selected for your practitioners that have not been paid by 31 May 2024 will be requested to be paid directly from the employees.

Watch the video below for instructions on how to complete Stage One of the Payment Summary. 

Step by step instructions for completing each step of the payment summary are also available in the Guide for Organisations under Resources below or in the Renewal Instructions of your organisation myQLS profile page.

Professional Standards (Limitation of Liability) Scheme

Practitioners who are members of the Society and are associated with a law practice automatically participate in the QLS Professional Standards (Limitation of Liability) Scheme unless they apply for an exemption. Before starting renewals, organisations should make sure employees know whether to apply for exemption from the Scheme. If they do not seek exemption on their membership renewal form, they will be charged the administration fee for the Scheme.

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