11/02/2023Queensland Law Society calls upon the state government and opposition to consult experts in youth justice to implement measures that will work to address youth crime.
21/02/2023Queensland Law Society is disappointed with the government’s decision today to introduce the Strengthening Community Safety Bill with the reporting deadline of 10 March 2023 and a submission deadline of 24 February 2023, providing a mere two and a half business days for stakeholders to respond.
28/02/2023The Queensland Law Society strongly opposes the proposed reforms detailed in the Strengthening Community Safety Bill 2023 and believe it will not keep Queenslander’s safe.
26/07/2023QLS acknowledges community concern around youth justice and criminal law matters
Media Release: QLS calls for an urgent parliamentary committee review of youth detention amendments
24/08/2023QLS strongly urges the Minister to put youth detention amendments through the House as ordinary legislation and allow for public consultation.
Magistrates Court Appointments
30/07/2021Magistrates appointments
19/12/2023Here for you during this holiday period
11/12/2024Lawcare is here for you this holiday season
Law Society House - new COVID-19 directions
16/12/2021New directions for visiting Law Society House effective from 17 December.
Law firms eligible for JobMaker payments
07/10/2020Law firms will be eligible for cash incentives to employ additional young workers as a part of a new employment incentive program announced last night amongst the Federal Budget 2020-21 measures.