SCLQ library services for QLS members from 1 August 2024
23/07/2024Read more for changes to SCLQ library services
Renewals commences Monday 16 May
12/05/20222022-23 Renewals now open 16 May
Renewals 2022-23 Update
27/05/2022Date extended for submission of renewals to 17 June 2022.
Renew your practising certificate now
27/04/2023Renew online now
Registrations for the February and March PMC courses are now open
Registrations closing soon for QLS x Family Law
06/10/2021Packed with hands on workshops and plenary sessions, this refreshing program will let you earn 7 CPD points across all three core areas and substantive law.
Registrations closing for the CQLA & QLS Conference
18/10/2021Earn 10 CPD points with in-person presentations from high-profile presenters. Book before Tuesday 26 October.
Register now for our Client Care skills webinar
15/11/2021Get your ethics point for a special price!
Recognise a peer for their advocacy against domestic violence
25/09/2023Nominations for the Dame Quentin Bryce Domestic Violence Prevention Advocate Award 2023 are now open.
Recognise a peer for their advocacy against domestic violence
20/09/2022Nominations for the Dame Quentin Bryce Domestic Violence Prevention Advocate Award 2022 are now open.