

Dealing with panic attacks

As an early career professional your cup is very full. The physical impacts of stress might be mounting but rather than listen to your body, you may have swept it under the rug and kept going, fearful of dealing with your inner stuff. This puts you in a high risk position for a panic attack. 

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Emotional consent to vent

Before you unload your worries onto a friend or loved one, take a moment to think about these five things.

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Returning to the office

How to prepare mentally and physically to return to the office.

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Mindfulness techniques that don't involve meditation

Don't fancy plopping down on a cushion for 20 minutes? Here are a few other ways to focus on the present.

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Rethinking our response to mental health issues in law

With stress, anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation still so prevalent in Australia’s legal profession, mental health first aid can and should be a bigger part of our response, writes QCAT member Glen Cranwell.

Read more on Lawyers Weekly

Promoting and protecting mental health in the legal profession

Simple coping strategies can go a long way, especially in a pandemic environment.

Read more on Canadian Lawyer

Pandemic jeopardises young lawyers’ wellbeing and learning opportunities

For many junior associates at law firms, the Covid-19 pandemic has meant a working life of flat-sharing and working from bedrooms, living alone, or relocating back to their parents’ homes.

Read more on IBA

How are our lawyers? Mental health in the legal industry

“Lawyers consistently rate in the top two occupations with the highest prevalence of mental health problems,” the Law Society of South Australia says.

Read more on Australasian Lawyer

How Meditation Can Make You A Better Lawyer

Working as a lawyer requires incredible mental dexterity, sharp critical and analytical thinking skills, impeccable memory, and an abundance of self-assuredness.

Read more on Mind Over Law


10 Minute Yoga at your Desk

5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise

Working Towards Wellbeing: Talking About What Really Matters

How to ask R U OK? at work

Square Breathing Exercise

Meditation for Lawyers Working With Anxiety


The Resilient Lawyer

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Understanding anxiety and depression

On average, one in three women and one in five men will experience anxiety in their lifetime. Over 2 million people in Australia experience anxiety each year.

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Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service

No matter how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting your mental wellbeing, we have developed a range of information, strategies and expert advice to help support you.

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Future leaders of the profession

Queensland Law Society (QLS) understands that the first few years of practice can be among the most challenging in a lawyer’s career.

It’s base camp and the path to the summit can seem daunting!

We want to make sure you stay connected to the legal profession. Social networking events, bespoke professional development courses or information and resources that will help your career development. Whatever path you choose to take, QLS is here to support you.