This section provides practical and important information about file management, titles, project management in legal practice, clients rights, costs disclosure, postal rule and much more.
This section provides practical and important information about file management, titles, project management in legal practice, clients rights, costs disclosure, postal rule and much more.
Where practitioners are not acting for parties who have a dispute with respect to funds
What can I do if there is a dispute regarding funds in trust?
FAQ’s for Queensland legal practitioners on verification of client identity
Use of Additional pages when preparing Enduring Powers of Attorney or Advance Health Directives
The Society’s trust account auditors have noted an increase in the number of law firms failing to pay their employees superannuation contributions.
Practitioners are reminded of their obligations under section 57 of the Legal Profession Regulation 2017.
Project management of legal matters is becoming more common in the increasingly competitive legal market with law firms seeking the benefits that project management processes and techniques provide.
The Supreme Court of Queensland has advised that practitioners will have the option to apply for Grants of Probate / Letters of Administration electronically through the Brisbane registry.
Practitioners considering practising in other jurisdictions are reminded of their obligations to notify the respective professional body of that jurisdiction in this table.
No contact rule still applies to e-signing