This Guidance Statement considers some of the ethical issues when applying the ‘no contact rule’ to an opposing client who is an individual.
It is important to be aware of your ethical obligations when being asked to provide a ‘second opinion’ by a client of another solicitor.
This Guidance Statement considers the ethical issues faced by solicitors working in multi-disciplinary practices and in particular, focusses on the Community Legal Centre ('CLC’) experience where practitioners interact with social workers.
Practitioners are reminded that the highest standards of professionalism continue when appearing before the court remotely. This Guidance Statement outlines what solicitors should consider when doing so.
This Guidance Statement raises the ethical issues practitioners should consider when engaging in social media.
This Guidance Statement outlines some of the issues solicitors should consider if they are asked to act for family or close friends.
This Guidance Statement seeks to provide some strategies for properly identifying and dealing with this type of behaviour in a manner consistent with a solicitor’s ethical obligations.
The purpose of this Guidance Statement is to set out what sexual harassment is, the issue as it relates to the legal industry and what legal and ethical obligations employers and employees have. *Updated 20 December 2022
Where a law firm employs the immediate family member of a judicial officer where solicitors of that firm regularly appear before that judicial officer, potential ethical issues should be considered.
Lawyers employed by government and quasi-government organisations often find themselves in roles which mix legal and non-legal work (such as governance and risk management), or have them reporting to non-lawyers and being asked to do non-traditional legal roles. This guidance statement assists in ascertaining their ethical duties in these different roles. *Updated 27 February 2024