
When you hold a Queensland Law Society membership, you have access to the many benefits, services and discounts listed below:

Business Services

Services that assist members run their business.

Professional Standards Scheme

The Professional Standards (Limitation of Liability) Scheme is not an insurance scheme but also acts to protect member practitioners against negligence claims.

QLS Cyber Essentials Insurance

The QLS Cyber Essentials Insurance policy provides up to $50,000 per claim(*) for Member Practices subject to data theft, accidental data release and hacking. The policy covers selected first party losses, picking up where the Lexon third party cover ends.

Any Member Practice that knows or suspects it has been subject to attack should contact the hotline on 1800 027 428 (available worldwide 24/7/365) for immediate review and assistance. No excess is payable unless a claim is lodged.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Every Law Practice in Queensland must hold professional indemnity insurance. QLS established Lexon Insurance Pte Ltd (Lexon) (formerly QLS Insurance) in 2001, which has helped protect solicitors from rises in PII premiums.

Premium finance for professional indemnity insurance

Members wishing to finance their premiums can take advantage of the preferred member arrangement QLS has with Westpac Banking Corporation.

Personal Services

Services that help members when they need assistance.


LawCare is your partner in health and wellbeing when you need a helping hand, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. QLS members can use this service to access confidential support to help navigate issues in both their personal and professional lives. 

Most people experience a problem at some point in their lives, which may have an impact on their work. It is important to seek help before the problem escalates and leads to more serious issues and concerns.

Contact LawCare 1800 177 743

Members lounge

Queensland Law Society Member's Lounge is an exclusive and quiet area in Law Society House for members.

Law Foundation Queensland Benevolent Fund

The Law Foundation-Queensland Benevolent Fund was established in 2007 to assist, at the discretion of the Board, Queensland Law Society members in times of adversity. 

QLS Member Rewards

Queensland Law Society’s Member Rewards program is a key benefit of membership. The program offers curated discounts and exclusive rewards on a broad range of lifestyle and business products and services ranging from local partners to global brands.

Professional Services

Services are provided by QLS or with assistance from QLS to help members with working in the legal sector.

Ethics guidance

Information on all aspects of professional conduct and ethics including conflicts, client capacity, confidentiality and privilege, duties to the court, liens, costs, cybersecurity and more. QLS has comprehensive online resources for ethical guidance and practice support related issues. 

Workplace Conduct Advisory Service (WCAS)

Eligible members may seek advice concerning complaints involving discrimination, sexual harassment or workplace bullying and the design of appropriate policies to deal with such conduct.

Business Advisory Service (BAS)

The Business Advisory Service (BAS) offers guidance to members and their practices who need assistance in:

  • Budgeting/financials
  • Business development/marketing
  • Personal development
  • Practice set up/establishment options
  • Pricing/profitability
  • Staffing/HR
  • Technology/cybersecurity

Each service is provided via subject matter experts.

Employment Law Advice Service (ELAS)

The Employment Law Advice Service (ELAS) offers guidance to members and their practices who have employment law issues. This service is provided via subject matter experts.

Costs Advisory Service (CAS)

The Costs Advisory Service (CAS) offers guidance to members and their practices who need assistance in:

  • Regulatory requirements
  • Disclosure
  • Costs agreements
  • Indemnity costs overview
  • Costs Assessment processes.

This service is provided via subject matter experts.

QLS Senior Counsellors

QLS Senior Counsellors (Senior Counsellors) are experienced practitioners who are available to provide guidance to a practitioner on any professional or ethical problem. The service should be seen by practitioners as “calling a professional friend”.

QLS referral service

The Queensland Law Society provides a free referral list for the public.  This service is known as 'Find a Solicitor'.  Eligible members can request to appear on the list.


QLS's Locum Service connects sole to small practices seeking short or fixed-term assistance with experienced solicitors. 

QLS Solicitor Support Pty Ltd

QLS Solicitor Support solicitors do not provide guidance or advice to members of the public.

All communications with QLS Solicitor Support solicitors are strictly confidential except in cases dealing with the reporting of certain irregularities or suspected irregularities in the administration of trust accounts.

QLS Solicitor Support solicitors are here to help full members of the Queensland Law Society with practice and ethical guidance, support and counsel. QLS Solicitor Support does not give guidance or counsel on issues relating to entitlement to practice, practising certificates or the conditions which may be imposed on practising certificates. 

QLS Solicitor Support may provide guidance, counsel, and support to non-members of the Society at the sole discretion of the Legal Practitioner Director, QLS Solicitor Support. For trust account enquiries, please contact the Trust Account Team.

Non-Binding Ethics Ruling

As a service to members, the QLS Ethics and Practice Centre (Centre) offers Non-Binding Ethics Rulings (NBER) on disputes between Australian legal practitioners (at least one of whom is a QLS member), or their practices, over ethical matters.

Enhanced Access to the Brisbane Law Courts

Queensland Law Society members can apply for Brisbane Law Courts Complex access cards. Initiated by the Society and the Bar Association of Queensland, and endorsed by the Supreme and District Courts, the court access card saves you time providing quick, hassle-free access to the complex without the need to be screened by security.

Delayed judgments enquiries

Library services

Queensland Law Society full members have complimentary access to Supreme Court Library Queensland’s (SCLQ) legal information research service, resources and support services.

Practice Advisory Service

'The Practice Advisory Service has been designed to assist solicitors to achieve a sustainable and ethically driven law practice. The services are available so members can obtain confidential guidance, to implement practice systems that can enhance the manner in which the practitioner practises law. A key to modern practice is adaptability, but also an understanding of the traditional approach to client service. The Practice Advisory Service solicitors can provide guidance to assist you to achieve your law firm's potential.' - Stafford Shepherd, QLS Principal Ethics Solicitor

The Practice Advisory Service (PAS) is a complimentary service for QLS members offered by QLS Solicitor Support Pty Ltd (a wholly owned incorporated legal practice of QLS).  Our solicitors have years of experience running their own practices and are able to provide guidance in essential areas such as appropriate management systems for incorporated legal practices, legal project management, records management, costs disclosure, client agreements, and practice management generally.

Trust Account Consultancy

Queensland Law Society (QLS) is committed to assisting the profession practise in an efficient, practical and a precise manner and provide a number of complimentary resources and services to support the day-to-day operation of a law practice. The requirement to manage trust money and to maintain trust accounting records is integral, however complexities can occur in particular when starting a new practice.

Tools and Templates

Find practical tools and templates to help you practise and run your business. 

REIQ contracts

REIQ contracts are provided to QLS Full Members only to be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of the licence. 

Dashlane software

Compromised passwords are the most common way cyber criminals use to attack law firms. Dashlane is free password manager software for QLS Member Firms.