Services that assist members run their business
QLS Cyber Essentials Insurance
The QLS Cyber Essentials Insurance policy will protect all Member Practices* also insured by Lexon. A Member Practice is one in which all Principals, as defined by s7 of the Legal Profession Act are full QLS members.
The Limitation of Liability Scheme is not an insurance scheme but also acts to protect member practitioners against negligence claims.
Incorporated Legal Practices Membership
The ILP membership is provided to allow an ILP to participate in the Queensland Law Society Professional Standards Scheme and so limit its liability for any damages arising out of the provision of legal services.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Every Law Practice in Queensland must hold professional indemnity insurance. QLS established Lexon Insurance Pte Ltd (Lexon) (formerly QLS Insurance) in 2001, which has helped protect solicitors from rises in PII premiums.
Premium finance for professional indemnity insurance
Members wishing to finance their premiums can take advantage of the preferred member arrangement QLS has with Westpac Banking Corporation.